ESIC Verification API
Employee State Insurance Card also is known as ESIC is basically a health insurance scheme provided to the Indian workers. The ESIC facility is given by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India under the ESI Act. The ESIC provides medical benefits, maternity benefits, dependant’s benefits, rehabilitation allowances, sickness benefits, and much more.
Our team is consisting of experienced and certified API developers offering top-notch services to our clients. Our API experts are updated with all the latest trends and technologies to improve our APIs with the latest features and functionalities.
Registering under the ESI law is both essential and beneficial for the employees whose monthly salary is less than INR. 21000. Many individuals forge the ESIC number to avail the ESI benefits illegally. To avoid these kinds of frauds and forge, we offer ESIC verification API.
To verify the ESIC number an individual simply needs to provide his/her ESIC number and name of the ESI cardholder. Our API delivers accurate results from the authorized government database to ensure the right results.
Tech Dev, a top API service provider company in India providing ESI card verification API at a very reasonable and affordable cost. Our ESIC verification API allows a business correspondent to enroll, check the status, and verify the ESI card for their customers.
Our team is consisting of experienced and certified API developers offering top-notch services to our clients. Our API experts are updated with all the latest trends and technologies to improve our APIs with the latest features and functionalities.
We also develop white labels and portals for our clients integrated with ESI card verification API. These portals and white labels allow an agent to offer ESIC verification services to their customers under their name and logo to increase brand revenue.
Search for the best ESIC verification API providers in India? Tech Dev is one of the trusted and reliable API providers providing various kinds of APIs at competitive rates. Now start your own online business or expand your existing business with us. For more information, feel free to contact us!.